MWC 2019 Live Blog: Watch it as it Happens (Sponsored by Ericsson)

Diana Adams
29 min readFeb 14, 2019


February 28, 2:46pm CET

That’s a wrap on my first MWC. What a fantastic week! Thank you to Ericsson for allowing me to live blog this incredible event. I’ve met so many amazing people through this experience.

Plus… I’m bringing Fika to the USA. #WorkHardFikaHard

It’s time to fly home to Atlanta and ponder all my learnings. Thank you for following along on this journey with me. I really felt like you were here with me!

According to Medium, this post takes 29 minutes to read. From what I’ve seen, it’s the most comprehensive MWC 2019 live blog on the internet. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.

With that, I’ll say goodbye, adiós, ciao, auf Wiedersehen, sayonara, shalom and zàijiàn. I hope to see you again next year!

I’ll leave you with this one final tweet from Ericsson. It’s the lovely Anita Veszeli giving you a tour of the Ericsson booth on this last day (when it’s not as crowded).

February 28, 1:33pm CET

The Dancing Hexapod — An Ericsson Demo

In the words of Ericsson:

What do you get when you take 6 collaborating robot arms, 18 flexible servo-modules and edge cloud motion control? You get a dancing hexapod!

To me, he’s the friendly, dancing, connected spider who has kept me company when I’ve walked from the back to the front of the Ericsson booth this week. Today is the last day of MWC, and I feel like I’ve walked passed this adorable arachnid 1,000 times. I’m wondering if he needs to be adopted because I know I could give him a good home.

I figured it was finally time to give him his earned place here on the live blog. This is one of many demos in the Ericsson MWC booth that highlights the ultra low latency of 5G.

When this connected spider dances while running on 4G, he pretty much looks like me when I try to dance (disjointed, slow, and unable to keep the beat). But when this spider dances while running on 5G, he immediately starts channeling Justin Timberlake.

February 28, 12:05pm CET

As if winning a GLOMO award wasn’t enough, Ericsson announced their 13th 5G contract at MWC. And since this tweet below, they’ve even added one more!

We invite you to keep up with all of Ericsson’s publicly announced 5G contracts.

🎉🎉🎉 Go Ericsson! Go Ericsson! Go Ericsson! 🎉🎉🎉

February 28, 10:51 CET

Network Slicing Automation — An Ericsson Demo

In the video below, Arvind explains Ericsson’s network slicing automation capabilities. With all the new 5G and IoT use cases, there also comes new requirements for latency and throughput. There’s a need to create new slices to manage the SLAs (service level agreements) that these new use cases demand.

You can do this manually with a bottom-up approach, but that’s very time consuming. Or, you can take an automated approach to slice management. You can use your OSS and orchestration solutions to create a slice model and go from there. When you have multiple slices in your network, and multiple enterprise customers requiring their own slices, there’s definitely value in automating your slice creation and management.

February 27, 5:14pm CET

Automate, Manage, and Orchestrate Networks in Real Time — An Ericsson Demo

This automated AI dashboard is like network monitoring on steroids. This is a data-driven operational model where Ericsson inputs the customer’s business outcomes or needs, so it reports on a lot more than just network functionality.

All of the business outcomes are enabled by a set of core capabilities on the inside of the dashboard. It allows customers to go from reactive to proactive operations.

For example, when it comes to growing revenue, there are several different categories to click on like agile application management, intelligent optimization and data driven operations. Each one has its own bucket of data ready for you to use for learning and adjusting.

The dashboard shows what outcomes you can expect. For example, reduce churn by 30%, increase download speeds on facebook, etc.

You could potentially wake up in the morning, check this beautifully visual dashboard, and see which customers are on track and which are off track. Since the AI functionality is always monitoring the network, you can set it up so you receive remote alerts and notifications.

The data set along with AI and machine learning automation work together to make these different types of data possible.

February 27, 4:28pm CET

Ericsson broadcast the first Periscope and sent the first tweet from a 5G network using a mobile router!

Janina and Olivia — when you show this video to your grandchildren someday, you (and Ericsson of course) will be a tech celebrities! How amazing to experience this! Congrats! 🎉

February 27, 4:09pm CET

Dual-Mode 5G Cloud Core Solution — An Ericsson Demo

There are a cluster of demos in this Automated 5G Core and Network Slicing section. I chose this one to show you because it highlights the 7 new products Ericsson launched to assist operators with the switch to 5G. These products combine to form Ericsson’s Dual-Mode 5G Cloud Core Solution.

All of these products combine 4G and 5G technology. As an aside, that is a recurring theme at MWC. 4G and 5G are are friends who play well together.

These products will help operators simplify their networks. Here is a list of them.

1. Cloud Core Data-Storage Manager

2. Cloud Core Resource Controller

3. Cloud Core Subscription Manager

4. Cloud Core Policy Controller

5. Cloud Core Exposure Server

6. Packet Core Controller

7. Packet Core Gateway

Operators want to know how to monetize 5G, and how to enable the use cases we’ve all seen with AR, AI, etc. so they can become part of the value chain.

The Cloud Core Exposure Server is key. It’s one of the newest products in the industry, and number 5 on the list above. It allows network exposure and API management. You can use capabilities from the network to expose your API. By collaborating with the ecosystem, more use cases will develop and we’ll all move forward together.

In the video below, Jitendra makes a brilliant analogy of comparing your network to the App Store. When the app store first launched, they didn’t know what the next generation of apps would look like. There are apps in the App Store now that nobody would have ever imagined when the App Store launched. That is similar to 5G. There are some use cases that we know of now, but there are countless use cases that we can’t even imagine yet.

We invite you to read Jitendra’s Programmability Paper and Ronald van Loon’s interview with Jitendra at 5G Revolution: Telcos Becoming the New App Store for Industrial Apps.

February 27, 1:44pm CET

Ericsson Partners and Customers

One of the most fun adventures at MWC are my walkabouts. Today, I ventured out with Janina (@EricssonNetwork) to visit some of Ericsson’s partners and customers. I wanted to see the Ericsson 5G radios in action, and I wanted to see the innovation that this technology enables.

See how many mounted Ericsson radios and logos you can spot in the partners/customers booths. The person who spots the most wins!


As an aside, I’ve never been a fan of AR/VR because I don’t like that big bulky headset, and I usually feel nauseous afterwards.

This Batman game uses mixed reality, and it’s so much fun. The graphics can be viewed at scale, which makes it even more real. I also learned that soon these headsets will be replaced with regular-sized glasses. Plus, it’s anti-motion sickness. (WOW!)

In the video below, Amir explains how the Intel and Ericsson technologies work together to make this magic happen!



Okay, stop everything…this is just plain cool. One of the band members in this 5G cyber jam session is not physically in this room. She’s represented as a hologram. She still interacts on stage as if she’s actually standing there. I loooove this demo! I can think of so many use cases for this technology.



The Qualcomm booth at MWC is oozing with Ericsson goodies. Lisa explains it in this video below.



February 27, 12:22pm CET

It’s time to eat the most adorable sushi pack ever! Thank you, Ericsson. 🥰

February 27, 11:01 CET

Distributed Cloud and Automated NFV — An Ericsson Demo and Session

Operators are keen to get on with 5G, but in order to do that, they need to get their platforms ready. Unfortunately, most platforms aren’t even close to being ready. Operators need to build their cloud infrastructure and get their NFV prepared for early 5G operations.

If you don’t have a 5G platform that works well, it will be hard to take advantage of key features like network slicing and other things. In order to make that change, you can no longer work in silos. Things have to be coordinated much differently. Mats explains the NFV drivers and complex challenges in the video below.

Want to learn more? Ericsson’s new NFV eBook will help take the frustration out of virtualization —

Ericsson also had a session at MWC about NFV. Mats gave me a session summary below.

February 27, 10:13 CET

Digitalized Customer and Revenue Management — An Ericsson Demo

I’m a data girl. I always joke that I like little data, big data and all data. If you’re like me, the data you’ll see in these templates will make your head explode (in a good way).

Ericsson has innovated a system to help you monetize your network slices. They create a customized suite of templates to optimize your monetization. By using this system, you’ll not only be able to monetize your existing slices, but you’ll have data already inputed that will help you predict changes you’ll need to make along the way. These detailed templates even include information that might be used by your marketing department down the road.

Once your templates are complete, you can click over to your catalog components, where all the data stays synced and updated. Get ready to have your mind blown. Grace explains it all (much better than me) below.

February 27, 9:42 CET

Automation and AI — An Ericsson Demo

“AI and automation is key for keeping customers happy and expand advanced use cases.”

There’s a lot that is involved when operators are preparing for 5G and all of the relevant business that it will bring. It’s more than just buying a new radio or investing in another piece of equipment. You really have to change the entire way you do you things so you stay ahead of your competition. Obviously, speed is very important.

You need to be able to quickly keep up with the changing needs of customers. You don’t want to feel like you’re trying to catch up. Instead, you want to stay ahead.

In order to make that happen, you need to have automation and AI in place to help you identify and adjust quickly as needed. Network slicing is a technology enabler of that process. Operational efficiency is important, and that is where network slicing can help. Yeonju explains more below.

February 27, 9:17 CET

Edge Cloud Gaming — An Ericsson Demo

This is an example of an application that benefits from the distributed cloud. There are two versions of the game here. One is on a game server that is running in the distributed cloud (edge computing). This server is closest to the end user.

The other one is connected to a game server at a central site. This one is farther away from the end user. (ie. The user is in Madrid and the server is in Barcelona — or something like that.)

As we experienced firsthand, distributed cloud provides 5G (more power) at the edge so the user has more control. This is applicable in many different use cases. For example, an industry where you need automation, remote surgeries, gaming, etc. Savita explains it below.

Treasa Dovander, Head of Social Media at Ericsson Digital Services, experiences the contrast between the two versions of the game below.

February 27, 9:09 CET

Communicate on Smart Devices — An Ericsson Demo

There were 8 demos to choose from in this segment. The one I chose to show you is the multi-device demo, and for that, we’ll use a smart mirror as an example.

Imagine while putting your makeup on in the morning, you receive an important call. Suddenly your mirror becomes the phone! There are many different use cases for this technology, but the smart mirror is such a fun one.

This is how it works. Let’s say our multi-device user has 4 different devices. 3 are non-SIM devices (including a web browser) and 1 is a phone. In this scenario, this user’s name is Bob. You can see in the video below what happens when Bob receives a call from Eve. He can answer it from any of the devices (including the mirror).

The user can also send the call from one device to another seamlessly without any interruption. So, say for example, you are in the car talking on the phone. When you get home, you can send that call to another device without the other person being disconnected. Pretty cool! Abhey explains it in this video.

February 27, 8:42 CET

We are a social bunch. You just can’t tell from this pic. 😂

February 26, 8:00pm CET

GLOMO Awards — Congratulations ERICSSON!!!

Who needs an Oscar or an Emmy when you can get a GLOMO award instead? If you’re a geek in the mobile industry, you know how prestigious it is to get a GLOMO. It means you’re doing something right and making a difference. It’s an award that celebrates the contributions made to the evolving and developing mobile industry.

I’m so thrilled to report that Ericsson won the award tonight for Best Mobile Network Infrastructure for their 5G high-band Massive MIMO.

According to the MWC Barcelona website:

This is the first ever commercial enhanced mobile broadband solution offering on millimeter wave. The mmWave spectrum, applied through beamforming, gives it a reach that would not otherwise be possible, and Ericsson has pursued this technology aggressively to meet customer demands. The Ericsson solution has a unique strength as it can combine mmWave Massive MIMO over NR with NR on low-bands, and additionally with Ericsson Spectrum Sharing, which enables NR and LTE to share spectrum in lower bands. In a wider context, this allows better mobile broadband coverage and more business cases for premium and enterprise services with enhanced experience.

Here are the judges comments:

“This major innovation dramatically reduces the cost per bit delivered to the end user and opens up diverse 5G opportunities in those less utilized higher frequencies. With the associated network sharing capabilities across both the high bands and the LTE bands this technology will smooth migration from 4G to 5G.”

You can read more about this Ericsson solution by clicking here to jump down to the Massive MIMO section on this blog or click here to read Massive MIMO Increasing Capacity and Spectral Efficiency.


(You deserve it so much! I’m thrilled to see you recognized for a job well done!)

I got to see this beauty up close and personal. Wowzers!!

February 26, 2:00pm CET

Connected Car Demo by Telefonica (Featuring Ericsson’s 5G Technology)

The weather was perfect all week in Barcelona, so what better way to enjoy it than to attend a demo outside?

Telefonica showed 5G connected car use cases for safe driving in a city environment. 5G is obviously an enabler for connected cars, and I think within the next five years, we are all going to be very familiar with them.

As a matter of fact, there will be no need to personally own a car anymore. I’m reeeeeally looking forward to opening an app and 10 minutes later, an autonomous, connected car picks me up. But, I’ll save my predictions about all that for another post.

Thank you, Telefonica, for giving us a taste of our future! Now I want more…

February 26, 1:00pm CET

Debate: 5G Deployments in High-Frequency Bands are Unecomonic — An Ericsson Keynote

(Since all the speakers agree that it IS economic, the moderator joked that they made a mistake with the title of this keynote.)

This keynote featured speakers from Ericsson, T-Mobile, the Wireless Broadband Alliance and more.

This session confirmed everything I had already heard at MWC19 regarding high-frequency bands. It was interesting to hear each speaker’s perspective, but they all agreed that 5G deployments in high-frequency bands can be economic (with a creative solution — we’ve already covered many ideas here on this live blog). 5G deployment in high-frequency bands is not only feasible, it’s important.

Karri Kuoppamaki from T-Mobile pointed this out in his presentation.

Thomas Noren from Ericsson offered solutions for solving the challenge of coverage AND capacity on low, mid and high bands. He also talked about 5G Carrier Aggregation and Ericsson’s genius spectrum sharing solution.

The keynote finished with a panel discussion about the complexities and timing aspects of implementing a 5G solution. They talked about the unexpected challenges that operators might face along the journey, and how to solve them. Below is an 8 minute snippet I recorded for you.

February 26, 12:17 CET

Massive MIMO Solutions — An Ericsson Demo

BEAMS, BEAMS, BEAMS, it’s all about the BEAMS!

This is a unique implementation of massive MIMO. When you use a large antenna array, you can shape the RF energy into beams. By doing this, you can get a better signal — plus, you can reuse your radio resources so you get more capacity. You can increase capacity 2–4 times. In this demo, you can actually see a live demonstration of this.

The size of the array controls the angle of the spread. The number of arrays controls the vertical elevation. One thing I learned from this conversation is that 4G is going to be relevant for quite a while!

Lee Forland explains more about beams in these videos.

February 26, 11:31 CET

This is my dear friend Beverley Eve hugging a base station in an Enclosure 6330 cabinet. Why? Because we love our technology!

February 26, 11:18 CET

Network Evolution to 5G — An Ericsson Demo

This interactive demo is designed to help you build a customized 5G experience. Whoever designed this table is a genius. What a great way to show the key enablers for each 5G use case, and then watch the screen change to show the data for how those enablers will benefit that scenario.

I told Lars (the man in the video below) that if I was an Ericsson customer, I’d want one of these interactive tables. He said they can do that, and he just sold one to a customer yesterday. Freaking BRILLIANT.

February 26, 11:04 CET

Multi-Gigabit Technologies — An Ericsson Demo

This demo shows how 4G and 5G capacity can work together in a device to create a unique experience.

In the picture below, you can see that Ericsson is using 3 layers of 4G combined with 4 layers of 5G to reach this real time speed (which got over 3,000 Mbps when I was standing there).

The purpose of this demo is to show that 4G and 5G are not totally separate. They work together. Keep in mind, this is different than spectrum sharing where 4G and 5G share the same spectrum, and the operator chooses whether it’s 4G or 5G (you’ll see that in a demo below).

This demo is different because the 4G and 5G are on separate spectrums, but they combine to deliver a better experience. Wow, this is just going to get better and better!

February 26, 10:52 CET

Radio Dot — An Ericsson Demo

One of the use cases for Ericsson’s Radio Dot is improving user experience in stadiums. We’ve all been there. We get to a big event in a stadium and the data network is over capacity. We can’t get online. Or, the coverage only works in part of the stadium. I live in Atlanta, and I wonder if some people experienced this at the Super Bowl earlier this month.

Ericsson’s Radio Dot technology aims to solve this problem. It can be added underneath the seats to complement the existing infrastructure. With this Radio Dot technology, users can experience fast speeds in 4G (and it can be upgraded to 5G).

But the benefits go way beyond just a faster connection. (Hint: AR/VR) Watch the video below to learn more.

February 26, 10:26 CET

AI Based Drone Detection — An Ericsson Demo

I never thought about this until today, but a bunch of drones in the sky can cause problems — like bringing down the efficiency of the spectrum.

But we can’t just get rid of all the drones. Drones are important to users. Ericsson has the solution.

This AI drone detection technology doesn’t launch until 2020. It opens up a lot of different use cases (not just drones). For example, it could be useful for fast moving cars or even users on skyscrapers. Patrick explains more in this video below.

February 26, 10:14 CET

Ericsson Spectrum Sharing — An Ericsson Demo

This was one of my favorite demos. This spectrum sharing functionality is unique to Ericsson, and it’s brilliant.

Ericsson has operators that are running a lot of 4G. Those operators have a lot of traffic there. And now 5G comes along, but their spectrum is limited, so they can’t just switch over to 5G or they would lose their 4G capacity (and they need all the capacity they can get).

Ericsson can take that existing 4G frequency and make it mixed, which is called spectrum sharing. Now that operator can have 4G and 5G on the same spectrum, and they can smoothly turn that 4G spectrum into a 5G spectrum without switching off one or the other.

This makes it possible for the operator to keep their capacity on 4G but still be a 5G operator and have 5G coverage in as much of their country as they want.

This works on existing Ericsson equipment as far back as 2015. So, in many cases, the operator doesn’t even have to buy new equipment to enable this functionality. This allows them to repurpose their 4G investment into 5G.

February 26, 9:38 CET

5G Connected Game in the Cloud — An Ericsson Demo

This game is running on 5G, and it’s lightening fast. The game itself is executed in the cloud. I was expecting at least a little latency, but there was none. Impressive!

February 26, 9:17 CET

5G is Here — An Ericsson Demo

“5G is Here” has become a buzz phrase over the past year. This time though, it’s meant to be taken literally.

Ericsson has the only live 5G hotspot at MWC19! The other ones at MWC19 are all dummy units. Congrats Ericsson!

Andrew, whose company is one of Ericsson’s partners, explains in this video below.

I saw 5G running on high and mid band devices. The high band devices are for the United States (they started with the spectrum first). Expect those devices in other markets soon though. Mid band devices are what will come out in most places first.

Here’s 5G running on a pocket router.

In order to have a smooth 5G launch and a fast pickup of 5G on the market, it’s important that both the network and the devices are mature and compatible with each other.

One of the most common questions Ericsson gets from customers is, “I want to roll out 5G, where are the devices?” Because without the devices, you can’t use it.

Ericsson partners with chipset venders like Qualcomm and Intel so the network and the devices are aligned at the same time so devices and the network functionality will be available at the same time.

February 26, 8:52 CET

I finally got to meet the man…the legend!

I remotely interviewed the head of research at Ericsson, Dr. Magnus Frodigh, a few weeks ago. Today, I got to meet him in person!

Dr. Frodigh and his research team have been working on 5G development for 7 years. Imagine all the twists and turns along the way!

You can take a journey through the past and straight ahead into the future by reading the interview at Behind the Scenes Look at 5G Evolution: Interview with Dr. Magnus Frodigh, Head of Research at Ericsson.

February 26, 8:28 CET

The calm before the storm as Day 2 of MWC19 begins. Let’s do this!

February 25, 6:00pm CET

Day 1 of Mobile World Congress was a huge success! I’ll be back to update you again tomorrow. Thank you for following along on the journey! In the meantime, here’s a sneak peak of what’s to come.

February 25, 5:10pm CET

Vodaphone — This Band Playing on 5G and Wine Made from AI

What a great way to end MWC19 Day 1. First, a band playing on 5G. There’s no latency! This is impressive.

Then we tasted wine made from AI! I’m not a big wine drinker, but it was delish! Thumbs up for connected vineyards.

Do you want to know how it works? I did.

The AI brain tells the farmers exactly when to pick the grapes and when to put an umbrella over the grapes. Connected vineyards are much more efficient, and they are better for the planet because there’s less waste. And then of course there’s the great taste of the wine!

I still wanted to know more about these connected vineyards. Ericsson’s Anita Veszeli, who also just learned about this AI wine, continued the story…

So delicious!

February 25, 4:30pm CET

10 Hot Consumer Trends 2019 — An Ericsson Demo

Can you guess what these trends are? Some of them may surprise you. Here’s the full list.

1. Awareables

2. Smart quarrels

3. Spying apps

4. Enforced agreement

5. Internet of skills

6. Zero-touch consumption

7. Mental obesity

8. Eco me

9. My digital twin

10. 5G automates society

Andre Gualda explains the research behind this data. The two main takeaways are: 1. Technology promises more benefits than it ever has before. 2. Technology is learning much more about us than we are about it.

February 25, 3:54pm CET

One thing that really stands out to me in the Ericsson booth at MWC19 is the lighting. The lighting is fantastic. It’s soft, yet bright. In many places, it’s even colorful. I wish I could take this lighting home. It’s perfect for selfies! ;-)

I want to say “thank you” to the lighting design team. Say hello to Paul Cook and Richard Rogers. Nice job guys!

February 25, 3:42pm CET

Climate Change and Climate Action — An Ericsson Demo

Did you know that Ericsson has reduced their own company’s carbon footprint by 50%?

Did you know that Ericsson is developing products that are 50% more energy efficient?

Did you know that as technology adoption goes up, carbon footprints go down?

I didn’t know any of this either! Bhushan Joshi does a wonderful job explaining it all in this short video. #themoreyouknow 🌈

February 25, 2:55pm CET

Lunch time! Wow, Ericsson does it right. The employee lounge was filled with lovely pasta, fruit, rice, hummus and more. Of course, I had to snap a pic of the menu for you.

Today I was also introduced to a Swedish Fika! A Fika is a coffee, a sweet and a chat. It usually takes place in the afternoon. It’s a great time to exchange ideas and brainstorm. Fika is an important part of Swedish culture. Why am I just finding out about this now? I’m gonna to bring the Fika tradition home with me to the USA.

February 25, 1:30pm CET

Unlocking the Benefits of 5G — An Ericsson Keynote

This was by far my favorite session so far. It’s true that consumers will pay more for 5G, but not enough to pay for the 5G networks. So how can operators capitalize on more of the value added?

Alex Holt was inspiring. He touched on many things I’ve thought about over the past year.

As Åsa Tamsons (below) is the Senior Vice President and Head of Business Area Technologies and New Businesses and member of Ericsson’s Executive Team. As she points out, it’s important to remember that 5G is not just another G. It’s an entire platform for innovation.

What a phenomenal presentation with thought-provoking ideas and infographics.

February 25, 12:45pm CET

My day wouldn’t be complete without photobombing Dez Blanchfield while he was doing one of his world famous interviews.

February 25, 11:30 CET

Realizing the Fixed Wireless Access Opportunity — An Ericsson Seminar

Learn More -

Why FWA Makes Sense Today (Download the Latest Economic Study)

5G Fixed Wireless Access (How FWA Will Massively Scale with 5G)

Connectivity is something a lot of us in the industrialized world take for granted. Did you know that up to 50% of the world’s population is still waiting for reliable broadband access? This large number represents a profitable fixed wireless access (FWA) growth opportunity for current 3GPP operators.

There is a tremendous market momentum on Fixed Wireless Access (FWA). FWA is one of the first 5G use cases. Some initial launches have already been deployed, and more are expected this year. Today many operators have successful FWA business based on 4G.

There are many important factors to consider when building a successful FWA business.

Peter Linder, who is responsible for 5G Customer Engagement Marketing in Market Area North America, gave a fun analogy to distinguish between fiber and fixed wireless…

“Fiber access is great in urban areas, in the same areas where subways are a powerful public transport alternative. Both infrastructures are characterized by high traffic demands in a small geographical footprint.

At the same time, Fixed Wireless Access is a great complement in the urban pockets where fiber does not reach — Just like Taxis complement subways for part of the urban traffic.

But subways are not usually outside metropolitan areas (in areas where demand can’t justify the cost). Private cars and taxis are more cost efficient the further out you go.

This is a reality very similar to Fixed Wireless Access — Where a powerful 5G infrastructure can power the countryside for both mobile and Fixed Wireless Broadband.

Mobile mail is sent through an Ericsson powered network.”

February 25, 11:14 CET

One of my favorite parts of going to events is seeing new friends! This is Ericsson’s Peter Wörndle. He is an expert in NFV and Cloud native architectures. It was great to see you, Peter!

February 25, 10:57 CET

Digital Transformation Use Cases (Presented in AR) — An Ericsson Demo

I love this demo! (that could be because one of the use cases is represented with a beautiful purple handbag and a sneaker)

Each one of these is a use case for a different industry. Each one requires robust connectivity, which is where Ericsson comes in!

February 25, 10:05 CET

IoT Data Monetization — An Ericsson IoT Seminar

with Jan Abrahamsson, Vice President of Strategic Customer Engagements and Warren Chaisatien, Director of IoT Customer Engagement Marketing

Last year at MWC, it was all about exploring IoT strategies. This year, it’s about realizing those strategies.

Revenue growth has been unanimously confirmed as the key driver for IoT market entry. CSPs are looking for ways to monetize their IoT data. There is unparalleled access to data (from geolocation and payment, to network and traffic) — and now valuable data from a growing range of IoT sensors and devices.

But where should CSPs start? Which data sets are the most natural to monetize? How can CSPs broker and share them?

This session covered exclusive insights on IoT data monetization approaches of Tier-1 CSPs, gained from Ericsson’s CXO strategic engagements globally.

I recorded this short session intro for you. To listen to the full session, register for access to the Ericsson live MWC19 session recordings at

February 25, 8:23 CET

Ericsson President and CEO Börje Ekholm delivers a kickoff press conference. Watch it live as it’s happening now!

“We are turning on 5G globally. 5G could be one of the most important technology shifts we’ll see in our lifetime. We are proud, but not arrogant.” -Börje Ekholm, Ericsson CEO

February 25, 7:17 CET

Here we go!

February 24, 2:54 CET

Check out the Ericsson employee lounge at MWC.

I just had a delicious salad and warm pretzel with Treasa Dovander, Head of Social Media at Ericsson Digital Services. This lounge will be packed with people tomorrow! I’m so happy to be here.

February 24, 1:30 CET

The Ericsson team is working hard to get the booth ready for tomorrow!!!

February 24, 1:00 CET

After working together online for over a year, I finally got to meet the rest of the team in person! What a lovely crew. There’s so much passion and drive in these four faces. Today is all about preparing. Tomorrow is the big day! Eeeeeek! I’m excited and nervous at the same time.

February 23, 10:13 CET

I’m in Barcelona for my first MWC! I’m armed with a gold badge and 20 gigs of data. This is going to be fun! Thank you Ericsson. 👍💞

February 14, 3:00 EST

We’re on the 10 day countdown! Come back on February 24th when the magic begins. 🌟💫✨



Diana Adams

Tech journalist, Apple ACN, Digital Transformation, IoT, 5G, AI and the future of tech.